Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Drunken Vodka Gummy Worms

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Do this.

It's magic how it works.  You take a container of gummy worms, dump a mickey of vodka over top, close the lid and refrigerate for 24 - 48 hours, and - VOILA! - the gummy worms soak up the vodka and you have delicious vodka gummy worms.

I realized that I just used the word 'mickey' to describe how much vodka to use, and should probably define this 'Canadianism' for any non-Canadian readers.  A mickey is a Canadian term used to describe a small 13-ounce (375 mL) bottle of any hard alcohol.  Read all about it at this cool website that I saw that translates some common Canadian terms - America's Guide to Canadianisms.  Do you know what a 'chesterfield' is?  How about a 'toque?'  My mind was just blown when I learned that 'Kraft Dinner' is a Canadian term...they don't call it that anywhere else?!  My friend from San Francisco was razzing me for calling our new garburator just that, a 'garburator.'  Apparently they are called garbage disposals in other parts of the world.  We also don't say 'soda,' we say 'pop,' we don't say 'whole milk,' we say 'homo milk (the short term for homogenized, people!),' and we don't say 'candy bar,' we say 'chocolate bar.'  Also, our new 100-dollar bills smell like maple syrup.  I'm not even joking about that - Google it.  I personally think that they taste like chicken.

Back to the gummy worms!  You have to make sure that you have the right group of people who would be into this sort of thing.  They would be the 'jelly shooter enjoying' type of group of people.  Use caution though - these things can sneak up on you after 3 or 7!    In fact, they are really only in their prime 'ready to be eaten' state for the first night after the 24-48 hour refrigeration period.  By the second night they get a bit mushier and a lot stronger, and actually have been known to be used in my circle of friends as the perfect punishment for not doing well at games like charades (seriously, who plays charades?).  Which, since I have never met anyone worse than me at charades, means that I am the one being punished by worms.  But, that's all on the second night.  On the first night, they are perfect and magical and definitely worth trying at least once in your one wild and precious life.

Eat responsibly!

If you like fun booze ideas, check out these Wine Jello Jigglers that I made earlier this year.

Drunken Vodka Gummy Worms

  • 1 container (650 grams) of gummy worms
  • 1 - 13 ounce (375 mL) bottle of vodka (a mickey of vodka for my fellow Canadians)
  • A group of fun-loving friends 

Pour the vodka over top of the gummy worms in their container, and put the lid back on the container.  Place in the refrigerator for 24 - 48 hours, or until the vodka is completely evaporated, stirring every so often.
Pour the vodka over the gummy worms...

About half-way 'cooked'

Presto Chango....Vodka Gummy Worms!

Recipe Source:  College / Fun friends with great ideas


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